Unit Crests

In no particular order:

Planning Institute for the NaveyUnited Slavovian Maroon CorpsSlabovian Military And Reconnaissance Technology And Secret StuffOperations Centre
Navel IntelligenceSlabovian Undiplomatic Corps, Kowtowing Union, and Postal ServiceDirectorate of Evaluation, Long-term Planning and Historical InventionSupposedly Sentient Slabovian Small-Scale Stimulating Strategic Simulation Studies Services
Turtle PatrolSlabovian Communication Relay StationPhotographic Operations Unit For Training and ArchivingInterim Occupation Force, France
Force Of Occupation, Lebreton StreetTemporary Executive Authority, Lahr SeniorSlabovian Navel Cadet CorpsLlama Sensitivity Training
BARFLEET AcademyLlama-Be-Gone Elite ForcesCold Weather Equipment Engineering and DevelopmentSlabovian High Command
Nucular Engineering, Research and Development SiteExtremely Infeasible Engineering and Infrastructure OperationsExtremely Covert Long-range Intelligence and Pre-emptive Strike EntitySlabovian Navel Operations and Tactics School
Slabovian Navel Aviator Instructional Learning SchoolSlabovian Anti-Squirrel Squad