Mac Gillivray A

Alexandra MacGillivray


1998Signed on with the Navey (promises of travel and adventure); posted to OP CTR
 Operation STUD FINDER
 2nd Annual Regressional Convention; awarded HIRTS, E
 Awarded EFFORT
1999Operation A BOAT FACE
 Opoeration SNOW BALL
 Operation BLACK FLAG; awarded CEF
2000Operation GILDED CAGE; awarded GC
 3rd Annual Regressional Convention
2004Promoted to Lt(JG)
20104th Annual Regressional Convention
 Awarded Audi wings
2011Promoted to Lt
 Completed Llama sensitivity training
2014Attended 5th Annual Regressional Convention
 Promoted to LCdr
2015Instructor at TOP SNOT 2015
 Awarded CANKER
2017Promoted to Cdr
 Attended Microcon 2017