Patrick Goddard
1970 | Operation MARS NEEDS WOMEN |
1984 | Based in Al Garry, joins NO SS as agent GRIZZLY |
1985 | Posted to Lahr Colony to conduct surveillance on TEALS |
1987 | Operation US GUYS |
1988 | NO SS Liaison to TEALS |
Posted to Frigina to conduct Operation SANDISON | |
1989 | Operation SANDISON aborted; airlifted to Byetown |
Transfered to Navey - previous experience earns him Lt commission | |
Operation GOLDEN GROTTO Iⅈ commands USS Schwannboat | |
Admitted to Stamford Institute | |
Operation RAWHIDE | |
Posted to FOOLS | |
Opoeration UNKEMPT | |
Operation MIRACLE WORKER | |
Operation WOLVERINE; awarded AA | |
Operation STRANGELOVE | |
1990 | Operation COLD STEEL |
Regressional Convention | |
1991 | Operation PHREDERICTON DRIVE; awarded PhD |
1992 | Operation INSTANT 3PLAY |
Operation SPOTLIGHT | |
Operation PHREDERICTON DRIVE II; awarded PhD(2) | |
Posted to Montsurreal to conduct operation NEUROTRICHUS GIBBSII | |
Promoted to LCdr; awarded FOOLS | |
1993 | Operation PEPSI ASSASSIN; awarded CZ |
Posted to DELPHI | |
1994 | Operation VACUUM; awarded VEGAS; promoted to Cdr |
Operation WHITE FLAG; awarded CEF; awarded MEF | |
Exercise GET STUFFED; appointed ORACLE at DELPHI | |
1995 | Operation SINK ME; commands USS Margarita; awarded SINKME |
Operation HAND ME THAT PIANO; commands USS Whiner | |
Exercise CARBINGE; appointed PINHEAD | |
Operation LAST SPIKE; awarded EFFORT | |
Operation HYDRANTGATE | |
1997 | Operation SELLOUT, Operation ORANGE CRUSH |
1998 | Operation STUD FINDER |
2nd Annual Regressional Convention | |
1999 | Operation RINGER |
2000 | 3rd Annual Regressional Convention |
2004 | Promoted to FAdm |
Operation BEYOND OUR KEN; commanded USS L'il Hank; awarded PhD(3) | |
Operation EX-PAT | |
2013 | Promoted to Vice Admiral |
Awarded the Incontinental Star | |
2015 | Attended TOP SNOT 2015 |