AA | The Ann Arbor Medal (Campaign Medal) |
ADM | Admiral |
AFB | Air Force Base |
ARTEMIS | Active Response Tactical Exercises and Missions In Space (Campaign Medal) |
ASO | Alien Snail Overlords |
AWOL | Absent WithOut Leave |
B-2 | Second Banana |
BA | Benevolent Administrator |
BA | Benevolent Administrator Award (Alien Clone Slave Service Medal) |
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
BARFLEET | Bragg's Artemis Resources Fleet |
BARFBAG | BARFLEET Battle Advisory Group |
BARFCINC | BARFLEET Commander-IN-Chief |
BARFLY | BARFLEET (Fleet) Yeoman |
BARFOLA | BARFLEET Operational Leadership Assessment |
BARFSPOT | BARFLEET Special Planning Officer, Theatre-wide |
BcALM | Bachelor of Calmerce |
BCYT | Bachelor of Cyber-Theology |
BDI | Bachelor of Disorder and Insecurity |
BELAIR | Classified |
BFD | Bartholomew Field Decoration (award) |
BFUNK | Bachelor of Spacefunkiotronological-jingalatronikczabraphonics |
BHS | Bachelor of Health Sciences |
BMS | Bachelor of Metaphysical Sciences |
BINGO | Point of no return (half-way point) or, low fuel warning point |
BO | Benevolent Overlords |
BOTCH | Basic Outbasket Training Causing Havoc |
CADET | Command Authority (that) Destroys Every Thing |
CANEX | Centre for Advanced Nucular Engineering and eXperimentation |
CANON | Capture Any New Optical Nuance |
CAPT | Captain |
CB | Citizen's Band radio |
CDR | Commander |
CDT | Central Daylight Time |
CEF | The Clarkston Expeditionary Force (Campaign Medal) |
CFTA | Combined Forces Training Academy |
CHIEF | Chief Of the Boat |
CIC | Combat Information Centre |
CIC | Commander-In-Chief |
CICCFUSE | Commander-In-Chief Combined Forces United Slabovian Empire |
CLOWNS | Covert Llama Operatives With Nuclear Suprises |
CM | The Queen Moneca Self-Coronation Medal |
CMO | Chief Medical Officer |
CNIB | Crisis Nixing and Initiation Bureau |
COB | Chief Of the Boat |
COMMO | Communications Officer |
CRIPES | CReative Inactivity and Procrastinatory inEffectivenesS (award) |
CWEED | Cold Weather Equipment Engineering and Development |
CZ | The Coke Zombie Award |
DEFCAN | Based on US's DEFCON (DEFence CONdition) this condition refers to the number of cans of Coca-Cola on hand |
DELPHI | Directorate of Evaluation, Long-term Planning and Historical Invention |
DOA | Deck Officer Adjunct (watch or deck officer - person in charge at the moment) |
DOOEY | Rank insignia (interlocking gold rings) |
DSQ | Award With No Acronym For Every Person In Slabovia Who Has No Other Awards |
ECLIPSE | Extremely Covert Long-range Intelligence and Pre-emptive Strike Entity |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time |
EFFORT | Group W Expeditionary Force For Operational/Recreational Travel (award) |
EIEIO | Extremely Infeasable Engineering and Infrastructure Operations |
EMU | Endangered Species Merchandising Unit |
ENGO | Engineering Officer |
ENS | Ensign |
EST | Eastern Standard Time |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
FADM | Fleet Admiral |
FLEET COM | Fleet Commander |
FOB | Forward Operating Base |
FOOLS | Force of Occupation Lebreton Street (Campaign Medal) |
FORUM | Classified |
FRANK | Classified |
GC | Operation Guilded Cage (Campaign Medal) |
GARTERS | Gravity Augmentation Retention Tension Extension Restraint System |
GP | General Proconsulship |
GO SFO | Go Vacations SanFrancisco Station |
GO TO | Go Vacations Toronto Station |
GOV | Governor |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
HIRTS | Heroic Injury Resulting from Total Stupidity (award) |
HQ | HeadQuarters |
IB | Iron Butterfly (award) |
ID | Inefficiency Decoration (award) |
IOFF | Interim Occupation Force France (Campaign Medal) |
ITBV | Inter-Table Ballistic Vegetable |
KIA | Killed In Action |
KUSMC | Kommandant, USMC |
LAST SUPPER | Long-term Analysis, STrategic Slabovian Unplanned Planning and PolicyExecution |
LBGEF | Llama-Be-Gone Elite Forces |
LCDR | Lieutenant Commander |
LHADM | Lord High Admiral |
LOGO | Logistics Officer |
LT | Lieutenant |
LT(JG) | Lieutenant Junior Grade |
LT-GOV | Lieutenant Governor |
MARS BAR | Baron or Baroness of Mars |
MEF | The Mars Expeditionary Force (Campaign Medal) |
MODEL | Measurement Officer, Detrimental Effects and Liabilities |
MORON | Member Of the Royal Order of Numpties (award) |
MS | Mission Specialist |
NAV | Navigator |
NAVELINT | Navel Intelligence |
NERDS | Nucular Engineering, Research and Development Site |
NIKON | New Improved Killer Only Nicer |
NOSE | National Organization of Slabovian Egotists |
NO SS | New Organization of Slabovian Spies |
NO USE | Navey Of the United Slabovian Empire |
NSA | National Security Advisor |
NTS | Nucular Training Centre |
NTSC | Classified |
OBO | Organization of Benevolent Organizations |
OP CTR | Operations Centre |
OPS | Operations |
OPSO | Operations Officer |
ORACLE | Operations Retro-Active Command Logistics Executive |
PAPER | Paeple's Agendas, Proceedings, Edicts and Reports |
PDT | Pacific Daylight Time |
PHD | The Phredericton Drive (Campaign Medal) |
PHRED | Proposal Having a Requirement for Earnest Discussion |
PIANO | Portable Instrument for Analysis and eNcryption Oscillator |
PIN | Planning Institute for the Navey |
PMQ | Married Personnel Quarters |
POFAE | Palace Of Fine Arts Exploratorium |
POFAE | Personnel Orientation Facility for the Amplification of Enzrds |
POUFTA | Photographic Operations Unit For Training and Archiving |
PPK | Photosynthetic Preservation of Knowledge device |
PROTO | Protocol Officer |
RADIO SLAB | Radio Slabovia |
RALLY | Really Advanced Local Landmark relaY |
REPAT | Operation RE: PAT (Campaign Medal) |
RMC | Classified |
RRC | Classified |
RV | Recreational Vehicle |
S10 | Supposedly Sentient Slabovian Small-Scale Stimulating Strategic Simulation Studies Services |
SATAN | Slabovian Aerospace Training Academy (Navel) |
SAUSER | Slabovian Agency for oUter Space Exploration and Research |
SAWMILL | Slabovian Advanced Weapons Manufacturing Including Lethal Lego |
SCORE | Special Covert Operational Reconnaissance Evaluation Program |
SCRS | Slabovian Communications Relay Station |
SECDEF | Secretary of Defence |
SFD | Sam Frog's Disco, Slabovia's twin city for SanFrancisco |
SFO | SanFrancisco |
SHC | Slabovian High Command |
SIMPLE | Slabovian Impossible Mission Planning with Lousy Execution |
SKIPPER | Captain |
SLANG | Slabovian Linguistic Anecdotal Nuances Guide |
SMD | Slabovian Minor Deity |
SMARTASS | Slabovian Military And Reconnaissance Technology And Secret Stuff |
SNAILS | Slabovian Navel Aviator Instructional Learning School |
SNOTS | Slabovian Navey Operations and Tactics School |
SNSSS | Slabovian Nott's-So-Secret Service |
SO | Staff Officer |
SO2 | Staff Officer 2 |
SOB | Strategic Operations Base |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SPACE | Slabovian Paeple's Alliance of Cosmonaut Explorers |
SQUARE LAIR | Slabovian QUeen's Active Response Executive, Logistics And Intelligence, Retro-active |
SSHIT | Special Slabovian Hyper Intelligence Team |
SSMS | Slabovian Secret Message Service |
SSS | Slabovian Civil Service |
STINK TANK | Slabovian Technical INformation and Knowledge TANK |
SUCKUPS | Slabovian Undiplomatic Corps, Kowtowing Union and Postal Service |
SUPER | Slabovian Undercover Pe*** Environmental Repair |
TACO | Tactical Officer |
TACT | Terrorist ACT (Implemented by the Slabovian Civil Service during crisis) |
TAJ MAHAL | Classified |
TEALS | Temporary Executive Authority Lahr Senior (Campaign Medal) |
TP | Turtle Patrol (Campaign Medal) |
TSR-AT | Top Secret Reconnaissance - Away Team |
TUXEDOS | Temporary Undercover eXperimental Exomorphic Diplomatic Operation Suit |
UN | Untied Nations |
USE | United Slabovian Empire |
USMC | United Slabovian Maroon Corps |
USS | United Slabovian Ship |
VADM | Vice-Admiral |
VEGAS | Vacuous Expeditionary Group Accidentally Sent (Campaign Medal) |
XO | Executive Officer |
YYZ | Moronto International Airport |