
AAThe Ann Arbor Medal (Campaign Medal)
AFBAir Force Base
ARTEMISActive Response Tactical Exercises and Missions In Space (Campaign Medal)
ASOAlien Snail Overlords
AWOLAbsent WithOut Leave
B-2Second Banana
BABenevolent Administrator
BABenevolent Administrator Award (Alien Clone Slave Service Medal)
BABachelor of Arts
BARFLEETBragg's Artemis Resources Fleet
BARFBAGBARFLEET Battle Advisory Group
BARFOLABARFLEET Operational Leadership Assessment
BARFSPOTBARFLEET Special Planning Officer, Theatre-wide
BcALMBachelor of Calmerce
BCYTBachelor of Cyber-Theology
BDIBachelor of Disorder and Insecurity
BFDBartholomew Field Decoration (award)
BFUNKBachelor of Spacefunkiotronological-jingalatronikczabraphonics
BHSBachelor of Health Sciences
BMSBachelor of Metaphysical Sciences
BINGOPoint of no return (half-way point) or, low fuel warning point
BOBenevolent Overlords
BOTCHBasic Outbasket Training Causing Havoc
CADETCommand Authority (that) Destroys Every Thing
CANEXCentre for Advanced Nucular Engineering and eXperimentation
CANONCapture Any New Optical Nuance
CBCitizen's Band radio
CDTCentral Daylight Time
CEFThe Clarkston Expeditionary Force (Campaign Medal)
CFTACombined Forces Training Academy
CHIEFChief Of the Boat
CICCombat Information Centre
CICCFUSECommander-In-Chief Combined Forces United Slabovian Empire
CLOWNSCovert Llama Operatives With Nuclear Suprises
CMThe Queen Moneca Self-Coronation Medal
CMOChief Medical Officer
CNIBCrisis Nixing and Initiation Bureau
COBChief Of the Boat
COMMOCommunications Officer
CRIPESCReative Inactivity and Procrastinatory inEffectivenesS (award)
CWEEDCold Weather Equipment Engineering and Development
CZThe Coke Zombie Award
DEFCANBased on US's DEFCON (DEFence CONdition) this condition refers to the number of cans of Coca-Cola on hand
DELPHIDirectorate of Evaluation, Long-term Planning and Historical Invention
DOADeck Officer Adjunct (watch or deck officer - person in charge at the moment)
DOOEYRank insignia (interlocking gold rings)
DSQAward With No Acronym For Every Person In Slabovia Who Has No Other Awards
ECLIPSEExtremely Covert Long-range Intelligence and Pre-emptive Strike Entity
EDTEastern Daylight Time
EFFORTGroup W Expeditionary Force For Operational/Recreational Travel (award)
EIEIOExtremely Infeasable Engineering and Infrastructure Operations
EMUEndangered Species Merchandising Unit
ENGOEngineering Officer
ESTEastern Standard Time
ETAEstimated Time of Arrival
FADMFleet Admiral
FLEET COMFleet Commander
FOBForward Operating Base
FOOLSForce of Occupation Lebreton Street (Campaign Medal)
GCOperation Guilded Cage (Campaign Medal)
GARTERSGravity Augmentation Retention Tension Extension Restraint System
GPGeneral Proconsulship
GO SFOGo Vacations SanFrancisco Station
GO TOGo Vacations Toronto Station
GPSGlobal Positioning System
HIRTSHeroic Injury Resulting from Total Stupidity (award)
IBIron Butterfly (award)
IDInefficiency Decoration (award)
IOFFInterim Occupation Force France (Campaign Medal)
ITBVInter-Table Ballistic Vegetable
KIAKilled In Action
KUSMCKommandant, USMC
LAST SUPPERLong-term Analysis, STrategic Slabovian Unplanned Planning and PolicyExecution
LBGEFLlama-Be-Gone Elite Forces
LCDRLieutenant Commander
LHADMLord High Admiral
LOGOLogistics Officer
LT(JG)Lieutenant Junior Grade
LT-GOVLieutenant Governor
MARS BARBaron or Baroness of Mars
MEFThe Mars Expeditionary Force (Campaign Medal)
MODELMeasurement Officer, Detrimental Effects and Liabilities
MORONMember Of the Royal Order of Numpties (award)
MSMission Specialist
NAVELINTNavel Intelligence
NERDSNucular Engineering, Research and Development Site
NIKONNew Improved Killer Only Nicer
NOSENational Organization of Slabovian Egotists
NO SSNew Organization of Slabovian Spies
NO USENavey Of the United Slabovian Empire
NSANational Security Advisor
NTSNucular Training Centre
OBOOrganization of Benevolent Organizations
OP CTROperations Centre
OPSOOperations Officer
ORACLEOperations Retro-Active Command Logistics Executive
PAPERPaeple's Agendas, Proceedings, Edicts and Reports
PDTPacific Daylight Time
PHDThe Phredericton Drive (Campaign Medal)
PHREDProposal Having a Requirement for Earnest Discussion
PIANOPortable Instrument for Analysis and eNcryption Oscillator
PINPlanning Institute for the Navey
PMQMarried Personnel Quarters
POFAEPalace Of Fine Arts Exploratorium
POFAEPersonnel Orientation Facility for the Amplification of Enzrds
POUFTAPhotographic Operations Unit For Training and Archiving
PPKPhotosynthetic Preservation of Knowledge device
PROTOProtocol Officer
RADIO SLABRadio Slabovia
RALLYReally Advanced Local Landmark relaY
REPATOperation RE: PAT (Campaign Medal)
RVRecreational Vehicle
S10Supposedly Sentient Slabovian Small-Scale Stimulating Strategic Simulation Studies Services
SATANSlabovian Aerospace Training Academy (Navel)
SAUSERSlabovian Agency for oUter Space Exploration and Research
SAWMILLSlabovian Advanced Weapons Manufacturing Including Lethal Lego
SCORESpecial Covert Operational Reconnaissance Evaluation Program
SCRSSlabovian Communications Relay Station
SECDEFSecretary of Defence
SFDSam Frog's Disco, Slabovia's twin city for SanFrancisco
SHCSlabovian High Command
SIMPLESlabovian Impossible Mission Planning with Lousy Execution
SLANGSlabovian Linguistic Anecdotal Nuances Guide
SMDSlabovian Minor Deity
SMARTASSSlabovian Military And Reconnaissance Technology And Secret Stuff
SNAILSSlabovian Navel Aviator Instructional Learning School
SNOTSSlabovian Navey Operations and Tactics School
SNSSSSlabovian Nott's-So-Secret Service
SOStaff Officer
SO2Staff Officer 2
SOBStrategic Operations Base
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
SPACESlabovian Paeple's Alliance of Cosmonaut Explorers
SQUARE LAIRSlabovian QUeen's Active Response Executive, Logistics And Intelligence, Retro-active
SSHITSpecial Slabovian Hyper Intelligence Team
SSMSSlabovian Secret Message Service
SSSSlabovian Civil Service
STINK TANKSlabovian Technical INformation and Knowledge TANK
SUCKUPSSlabovian Undiplomatic Corps, Kowtowing Union and Postal Service
SUPERSlabovian Undercover Pe*** Environmental Repair
TACOTactical Officer
TACTTerrorist ACT (Implemented by the Slabovian Civil Service during crisis)
TAJ MAHALClassified
TEALSTemporary Executive Authority Lahr Senior (Campaign Medal)
TPTurtle Patrol (Campaign Medal)
TSR-ATTop Secret Reconnaissance - Away Team
TUXEDOSTemporary Undercover eXperimental Exomorphic Diplomatic Operation Suit
UNUntied Nations
USEUnited Slabovian Empire
USMCUnited Slabovian Maroon Corps
USSUnited Slabovian Ship
VEGASVacuous Expeditionary Group Accidentally Sent (Campaign Medal)
XOExecutive Officer
YYZMoronto International Airport